[RELEASE] 12.0.11
- 4f933ae6f [TASK] Update settings
- 24e732ecc [BUGFIX] height and flavour pass through
- 948746fe6 [FEATURE] add debug info for flavour
- e4d380c40 Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:drk-intern/typo3-main-distribution
- 3c19fb2c4 [FEATURE] v1 Multimedia Header
- 79dfd9dc4 [TASK] ddev clear-cache adds composer dump-autoload
- 98f6bb478 [TASK] drk_courseview - adds optional course_id and course room
- 747881c83 [FEATURE] Slider kleinere Pfeile
- 3524a2fb9 [TASK] add the bergwacht logo in the logo file
- 1f9b245b5 [FEATURE] Logo Preview and better choices
- f39150b5a [FEATURE] Erneute Anpassung Logos - noch ohne SVG
- fed523182 [BUGFIX] drk_template - fixes ul elements in the accordion
- e7b9cb69a Die Plugins drkcourseview_courseview-ls und rkcourseview_courseview-fbw im TCA...
- f0d9c0127 [TASK] drk_template - fixes fallback image for menusubpages
- b345fd233 Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:drk-intern/typo3-main-distribution
- 3dcd09e71 [TASK] ddev update
- 97cab4b7e [TASK] rtsimpleosm - remove